October 2023
The website has been restored after a ransomware attack of the
hosting company. The collecting trips MG-ML-MS 2009, Sierra Leone 2022 was
May 2015
The following two articles in PDF format are added to the library
section: Berthold, K.:-"Berthold, K.:-"So fing es eimal an!."
(Cal. occidentalis) DATZ, Jg. 3 (11), p.161-162, Nov. 1950. and Dinesen,
K.:-"En gennemgang af Callopanchax monroviae. (Roloff &
Ladiges 1972)." SKS Killibladet., Vol. 36(1-2): p.25-40, 2008.
May 2014
The GM 09 collecting list have been updated.
Marts 2014
The following two articles in PDF format are added to the library
section: Berthold, K.:-"Zwei Arten für Aphyosemion-Freunde, Aphyosemion
australe (Rachow),1921 und Aphyosemion calabaricus E. Ahl, 1936." DATZ,
Jg. 3 (9), p.129-130, Sept. 1950. and Meinken, H.:-"Aphyosemion calabaricus:,
der Calabar-Prachtkärpfling." DATZ, Jg. 2 (8), p.133-134, Aug.
April 2013
The following two articles in PDF format are added to the library
section: Romand, R & C. Ozouf-Costaz.:-"Aphyosemion cauveti, a
new species of Killifish (Cyprinodontidae) from Guinea, West Africa."
Cybium, 19 (4), p.391-400, Paris 1995.
Sauvage, M. H. E.: -"Notice sur les poissons du territoire
d'Assinie (Cote-d'Or) (Mission scientifique de M. Chaper)."
Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 7, p.313-325 &
Pl. V, Paris 1882.
July 2012
New species described. Sonnenberg und Busch has described the
species previously known as Scr. sp. "Lenghe Curoh" as Scr. wieseae.
Sonnenberg, R. & Busch, E.:-"Description of Scriptaphyosemion
wieseae Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), a new species from northern
Sierra Leone." Bonn zoological Bulletin, 61 (1): 13-28, 2012. Link
for PDF download 
List of SL 03 collection trip has been updated.
June 2011
New updated lists of the collection trips, added Sonnenberg & Busch
2011, change of name of Cal. sidibei into Cal. sidibeorum.
Where it is relavant, links to pdf documents has been added in the text
August 2010
New updated lists of the collection trips SL 03, SL 99, GM 97/L
97, GM 08 and GM 09 have been added to collection page.
May 2010
A new Callopanchax species have been described by Sonnenberg
and Busch in April 2010. Sonnenberg, R. & Busch, E. (2010): Description
of Callopanchax sidibei (Nothobranchiidae: Epiplateinae), a new species
of killifish from southwestern Guinea, West Africa. Bonn zoological Bulletin,
57 (1): 314. Link for PDF download
December 2009.
A new genus and two new species have been described by Sonnenberg
and Busch in November 2009. All species of Arciaphyosemion except
Archiaph. guineense have been moved to the new genus Nimbapanchax.
Archiaph. maeseni has been identified as an Epiplatys species,
and populations previously referred to this species have been described
as Nimbapanchax leucopterygius. Nimbapanchax melanopterygius
has been described, it is a species closely related to Nimbapanchax leucopterygius,
from which it differ by the colorpattern of the anal fin. The uidentified
species "Beple" probably belongs to Nimbapanchax melanopterygius.
a new genus and two new species of killifish (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae)
from West Africa, with a discussion of the taxonomic status of Aphyosemion
maeseni Poll, 1941." Zootaxa 2294: 122 (2009).
November 2008.
The firstdescriptions of Roloffia brueningi, chaytori and viridis by E.
Roloff, along with the firstdescription of R. banforensis by L. Seegers
has been uploaded in PDF format.
January 2008.
The article: Romand, R.:-"Vorläufige Beschreibung von
Roloffia schmitti spec. nov., einem neuen Killifisch aus Liberia."
DATZ Jg 32 (9), p.299-300, 1979., has been uploaded in PDF format.
December 2007.
The article: Dinesen, K.:-"A review of Callopanchax monroviae
(Roloff & Ladiges, 1972) - With notes on the type locality, distribution,
natural life cycle, and phenotypes."
JAKA., Vol. 39(3/4): p.103-113, May/June/July/August 2007, has been uploaded
in PDF format.
June 2005.
Some exellent photos by Christian Cauvet of various Scriptaph.,
Archiaph. and Callopanchax species, has been added to the gallery. I
wish to thank Christian for allowing me to use these photos.
December 2002.
The firstdecriptions of Scriptaphyosemion bertholdi by
E. Roloff and Scriptaphyosemion liberiense by G. A. Boulenger has
been uploaded in PDF format.
November 2002.
"Firstdecription" of Scriptaphyosemion hastingsi
by Alfred Wright in PDF format has been uploaded. Some exellent photos
by Alf Persson of Scriptaph. sp. Lenghe-Couroh, geryi "Abuko",
Archiaph. maeseni "Lola" and Callopanchax toddi
"Masheineh", has been added to the gallery. I wish to thank
Alf for allowing me to use these photos and for adjusting these photos in
size, so they could fit into the pages.
October 2002.
Firstdecription of Callopanchax monroviae in PDF format
has been uploaded.
June 2002.
I have uploaded a preliminary collecting
list with the SL codes of Mr. Roloff. I would like to thank Mr. Paul Hoppe
from the US, for allowing me to read his korrespondance with Mr. Erhard
Roloff of Germany, which made it possible to improve this list.
January 2002.
Information about the collecting trips
SLCD84, GRC90 and GRCH93, has kindly been supplied by Mr. Christian Cauvet
of France.
May 2000.
An english translation of the Scriptaphyosemion fredrodi index
(DKG-index) has been uploaded. Link pages have been updated and new links
have been added.
February 2000.
Since the last opdate, there have been some major changes in
the systematics of this group of fishes, as a result of the DNA-studies
carried out by Collier, Murphy and others. I will try update all pages in
regard to the new nomenclature, but please be patient.
October 1999.
New article (in danish) about C. cauveti, in PDF format. Link
pages have been updated and new links have been added.
August 1999.
New Gallery design, new pictures by Geert van Huijgevoort, (BRE,
GER, LIB, OCC, SMI, sp. Guinea CI 92)
The framework with the species section is almost completed.